Skyline Distributors

  1. Industrial Valves 7 items
  2. Check Valve 3 items
  3. Pressure Reducing Valve 1 item
  4. Push Button Valve 2 items
  5. Roller Valve 1 item
  6. Pneumatics 133 items
  7. Valves 44 items
  8. Solenoid Valves 17 items
  9. Direct Acting Valves 1 item
  10. Auto Drain Valve 2 items
  11. Flow Control Valves 14 items
  12. Foot Valve 1 item
  13. Hand Lever 1 item
  14. Energy Saving Valves 1 item
  15. Quick Exhaust Valve 2 items
  16. Hand Lever Valve 4 items
  17. Spring Valve 1 item
  18. Air Cylinders 9 items
  19. Double-Acting Pneumatic Cylinders 4 items
  20. Air Preparation Units 11 items
  21. Air Regulator 4 items
  22. Filter Regulator Combination 1 item
  23. Filter Regulator Lubricator Combination 3 items
  24. High Pressure Regulator 2 items
  25. High Pressure Filter 1 item
  26. Fittings 69 items
  27. Connector 17 items
  28. Elbow 12 items
  29. Tee 7 items
  30. Y Type 1 item
  31. Union 9 items
  32. Bulkhead 2 items
  33. Polyurethane Tube 9 items
  34. Coiled Hose 5 items
  35. Silencer 6 items
  36. Electrical 141 items
  37. Electrical Motors 1 item
  38. Electrical Measurement 124 items
  39. Multifunction Meters 24 items
  40. Energy Meters 6 items
  41. Digital Panel Meters 22 items
  42. Analog Panel Meters 3 items
  43. Line Monitoring Series 14 items
  44. Current Monitoring Series 9 items
  45. Motor & Pump Protection Relay 12 items
  46. Time Switch & Analog Timers 34 items
  47. Electronic Connector 8 items
  48. Cable Connector 8 items
  49. Panel And Distribution Box 1 item
  50. Panel Meter 1 item
  51. Pulse Meter 1 item
  52. Transformer 6 items
  53. Motor & Power Transmission 1 item
  54. V-Belt 1 item
  55. Classical 1 item
  56. Industrial Automation 204 items
  57. Connector Cable 8 items
  58. Temperature or PID Controllers 7 items
  59. Programmable Logic Controller 1 item
  60. PLC Expansion Cards & Accessories 1 item
  61. Encoders 2 items
  62. Sensors 2 items
  63. Pressure Sensors 2 items
  64. Water Over-Flow Controller 1 item
  65. HMI 1 item
  66. Industrial Power Supplies 12 items
  67. Process Measurement & Control 76 items
  68. Temperature Controllers Series 42 items
  69. Digital Timers & Counters 34 items
  70. Sensors & Controllers 86 items
  71. Proximity Sensors 50 items
  72. Area Sensor 4 items
  73. Photoelectric Sensors 27 items
  74. Optical sensors 5 items
  75. Panel Meter 1 item
  76. Pulse Meter 1 item
  77. Relays 1 item
  78. Variable Frequency Drive 3 items
  79. Temperature controller 1 item
  80. Humidity controller 1 item
  81. Plastic 9 items
  82. Spares & Ancillary 9 items
  83. Industrial Plastic Pipes 9 items
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  1. MPR-341-2C Selec Digital Panel Mount Motor Protection Relay, 2 x 1C/O, 85 to 270V AC / DC
    MPR-341-2C Selec Digital Panel Mount Motor Protection Relay, 2 x 1C/O, 85 to 270V AC / DC
    ₹1,400.05 ₹1,652.06
  2. PPRWD-4M-1 Selec 1Ø-2W, Digital Pump Protection relay with WLC, Direct 30A
    PPRWD-4M-1 Selec 1Ø-2W, Digital Pump Protection relay with WLC, Direct 30A
    ₹1,211.58 ₹1,429.66
  3. MPR-3M-2-415V Selec Analog Motor Protection Relay, 2 C/O, 415V
    MPR-3M-2-415V Selec Analog Motor Protection Relay, 2 C/O, 415V
    ₹2,958.00 ₹3,490.44
    Out of stock
  4. MPR-3M-2-230V Selec Analog motor protection relay, 2 C/O, 230V
    MPR-3M-2-230V Selec Analog motor protection relay, 2 C/O, 230V
    ₹2,697.00 ₹3,182.46
    Out of stock
  5. ELCTR35-1-30mA-230V Selec Earth Leakage Relay With Inbuilt CBCT Leakage Current Fixed: 30mA, 1 C/O, 230V AC
    ELCTR35-1-30mA-230V Selec Earth Leakage Relay With Inbuilt CBCT Leakage Current Fixed: 30mA, 1 C/O, 230V AC
    ₹784.57 ₹925.79
  6. PPRD-4M-1-230V Selec 1Ø-2W, Digital Pump Protection Relay, Direct 30A
    PPRD-4M-1-230V Selec 1Ø-2W, Digital Pump Protection Relay, Direct 30A
    ₹1,096.32 ₹1,293.66
  7. MTS1M1-1-16A-230V-CE Selec DIN Rail - Mechanical Daily / Weekly Time Switch, 16A Relay, 1 C/O SPDT, 230V AC
    MTS1M1-1-16A-230V-CE Selec DIN Rail - Mechanical Daily / Weekly Time Switch, 16A Relay, 1 C/O SPDT, 230V AC
    ₹826.00 ₹974.68
  8. TPRA2M1-1-U-CE Selec Thermistor Protection Relay For Motor Winding Protection, 2 C/O, 90 to 270V AC / DC
    TPRA2M1-1-U-CE Selec Thermistor Protection Relay For Motor Winding Protection, 2 C/O, 90 to 270V AC / DC
    ₹1,045.31 ₹1,233.47
  9. PPRA-4M-1-230V Selec 1Ø-2W, Analog Pump Protection Relay, Direct 30A
    PPRA-4M-1-230V Selec 1Ø-2W, Analog Pump Protection Relay, Direct 30A
    ₹1,082.63 ₹1,277.50
    Out of stock
  10. 600DT Selec Digital Multi Function Timer, 0.1 Sec to 999hr, 1 C/O, 20 to 240V AC & 12 to 240V DC
    600DT Selec Digital Multi Function Timer, 0.1 Sec to 999hr, 1 C/O, 20 to 240V AC & 12 to 240V DC
    ₹972.10 ₹1,147.08
  11. WLCA2M1 Selec Water Level Controller, Adjustable Sensitivity 1K To 200K Ohm
    WLCA2M1 Selec Water Level Controller, Adjustable Sensitivity 1K To 200K Ohm
    ₹1,199.35 ₹1,415.23
  12. 600XU-A-1-CU Selec Multi Function Timer, 0.1 Sec To 3 hr, 1 C/O,20 to 240V AC & 12 to 240V DC, UL Certified
    600XU-A-1-CU Selec Multi Function Timer, 0.1 Sec To 3 hr, 1 C/O,20 to 240V AC & 12 to 240V DC, UL Certified
    ₹792.60 ₹935.27
  13. PPRD-4M-3-415V Selec 3Ø-3W, Digital Pump Protection Relay, Push Button Type, Up To 80A Via MPCT, 1 C/O, 415V
    PPRD-4M-3-415V Selec 3Ø-3W, Digital Pump Protection Relay, Push Button Type, Up To 80A Via MPCT, 1 C/O, 415V
    ₹1,229.05 ₹1,450.28
  14. WLCA-2M-U-CE  Selec Two Tank water Level Controller With Single Device, 2 x1 NO, 85 to 270V AC / DC
    WLCA-2M-U-CE Selec Two Tank water Level Controller With Single Device, 2 x1 NO, 85 to 270V AC / DC
    ₹1,111.04 ₹1,311.03
  15. 600SD-2-230 Selec Star Delta Timer, 3 Sec to 60 sec, 2 C/O, 230V AC
    600SD-2-230 Selec Star Delta Timer, 3 Sec to 60 sec, 2 C/O, 230V AC
    ₹813.39 ₹959.80
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